Green to Greener launched across Green Piling!
Green Piling aim to create an environmentally aware workforce green culture that goes beyond manufacturing and operations.
We encourage every employee to take ownership and get involved in our ambitions to be greener, cleaner and leaner. We will aim to be the industry leader in environmental sustainability from enquiry to completion.
Launched in February 2020, we sought to demonstrate to our customers and prospective clients that we take our environmental responsibilities seriously to become an industry LEADER in environmental sustainability, from enquiry to completion.
Amongst our ambitions we hope to:
- Limit procurement of all new company vehicles to under 140 CO2 and electric/hybrid cars in our fleet
- Invest in the procurement of newer piling rigs, making sure our machines are built to higher, greener specs
- Encourage working from home to reduce carbon footprint
- PIR lights in all restrooms to save electricity
- Reduce use of plastics by 2022